Options of APRU/AEARU symposium in Kyoto City on September 2

#2 Workshop in Kyoto University on Earthquakes
(This is cooperated by the 21st Century COE programs in Graduate School of Sciences and DPRI.)

We have a workshop, hopefully in an open and informal atmosphere, encouraging communications between students and other participants. The workshop includes oral presentations of the students and participants and also discussion time. Topics will be much broader in seismology, tectonics, geology, and earthquake engineering than those on the first two days of the APRU/AEARU symposium.

The workshop will be held in the international conference hall, clock tower of Kyoto University from the morning through the early afternoon.

Program (changed on Aug 29)

#3 Walk along the Hanaore fault in Kyoto City visiting temples/gardens

The Hanaore fault is a Quaternary active fault which runs along the eastern edge of the Kyoto basin, crossing the campus of Kyoto University. Guided by Prof. Tsutsumi, who is a researcher of active faults, we will visit some view points and temples/gardens along the fault by walk and bus.

Yoshida-yama, Shisen-do, and Manshu-in are tentative candidates for visit. Shugaku-in may be one stop, depending on the number of participants. This walk will start at 14:00 and end at 17:00.

* You can join both #2 and #3. If you go to Kobe on September 2, however, you cannot join either #2 or #3.

(Last modified: 2005-07-20)