2002 Petit Print & Namazu Club
Time: Every Wednesday afternoon
Place: Rigaku-bu 2-gokan Room 509

*** Spring Intermission ***
We will meet together in the middle of April.

March 5
Yuichiro Tanioka and Kenji Satake "Tsunami Generation by Horizontal Displacement of Ocean Bottom" GRL, Vol 23, No 8, April 15, 1996
(presented by Janette)

February 26
Shozo Matsumura "Three-Dimensional Expression of Seismic Particle Motions by the Trajectory Ellipsoid and It's Application to the Seismic Data Observed in the Kanto District, Japan" JPE, 29, 221-239, 1981
(presented by Igarashi)

February 19
Vidale and Li "Damage to the shallow Landers fault from the nearby Hector Mine Earthquake" Nature, 421, 524-526, 2003
(presented by Kuge)

February 5
Yoko Igarashi
Practice for her Bachelor defense

January 24
Mark R. Legg and Jose C. Borrero "Tsunami potential of major restraining bends along submarine strike-slip faults" ITS 2001 Proceedings, Session 1, Number 1-9
(presented by Janette)

January 17
Frederick Duennebier & George H. Sutton "Thermal Moonquakes" JGR, Vol.79, 4351-4363, 1974
(presented by Igarashi)

January 8
Keiko Kuge
"Upper mantle velocity structure of East Antarctica derived from P, PP, S, and SS waveforms" (research report)

December 4
Yoko Igarashi: Interim report
"Features of moonquakes & the waveforms and Introduction of my research for the structure under AP12 station"

November 6
Janette Simplina-Manahan
"Overview of the Current Seismicity and Tectonics of the Philippines" (research report)

October 30
Pinar, Kuge, and Honkura "Moment tensor inversion of recent small to moderate sized earthquakes: Implications for seismic hazard and active tectonics beneath the Sea of Marmara" in press GJI
(presented by Kuge)

October 23
Paul C. Sellers "Seismic evidence for a low-velocity lunar core" JGR, 97, 11663-11672, 1992
(presented by Igarashi)

October 16
"Review of long-period tremors at Aso volcano"
Related papers:
Kawakatsu et al. "Aso94: Aso seismic observation with broadband instruments" JVGR, 101, 129-154, 2000
Yamamoto et al. "Detection of a crack-like conduit beneath the active crater at Aso volcano, Japan" GRL, 26, 3677-3680, 1999
Legrand, Kaneshima, and Kawakatsu "Moment tensor analysis of near-field broadband waveforms observed at Aso volcano, Japan" JVGR, 101, 155-169, 2000
Kaneshima et al. "Mechanism of phreatic eruptions at Aso volcano inferred from near-field broadband seismic observations" Science, 273, 642-645, 1996
(presented by Kuge)

October 9
Dainty and Toksoz "Seismic codas on the Earth and the Moon: a comparison" PEPI, 26, 250-260, 1981
(presented by Igarashi)

October 2
Toda, Stein, and Sagiya "Evidence from the AD 2000 Izu islands earthquakes swarm that stressing rate governs seismicity" Nature, 419, 58-61, 2002
(presented by Kuge)

July 17
T.A.Minshull & N.R.Goulty "The influence of tidal stresses on deep moonquake activity" PEPI,52,41-55,1988
(presented by Igarashi)

July 10
Fischer "Waning buoyancy in the crustal roots of old mountains" Nature, 417, 933-936, 2002
(presented by Kuge)

July 3
Yosio Nakamura & Junji Koyama "Seismic Q of the Lunar Upper Mantle" JGR, vol.87, p4855-4861, 1982
(presented by Igarashi)

June 26
No club because of Prof. Haruo Sato's special lecture

June 19
Ni et al. "Sharp sides to the African superplume" Science, 296, 1850-1852, 2002
(presented by Kuge)

June 12
A.Khan , K.Mosegaard and K.L.Rasmussen "A New Seismic Velocity Model for the Moon from a Monte Carlo Inversion of the Apollo Lunar Seismic Data" GRL, vol.27, No.11, pages 1591-1594, June1, 2000
A.Khan and K.Mosegaard "New Information on the Deep Lunar Interior from an Inversion of Lunar Free Oscillation Periods" GRL, vol.28, No.9, pages 1791-1794, May1, 2001
(presented by Igarashi)

June 5
Deuss and Woodhouse "A systematic search for mantle discontinuities using SS-precursors" GRL, 29, 8 10.1029/2002GL014768 2002
(presented by Kuge)
Yoshio Kushida and Reiki Kushida 「On a possibility of earthquake forecast by radio observations in the VHF band」 RIKEN Review No.19 (October, 1998) 152-160
(presented by Izutsu)

May 22 and 29
No club because of 2002 Joint Meeting of Earth and Planetary Science

May 15
Lev Vinnik "First seismic receiver functions on the Moon" GRL,vol.28,p3031-3034,2001
(presented by Igarashi)

May 8
Wookey, Kendall, and Barruol "Mid-mantle deformation inferred from seismic anisotropy" Nature, 415, 777, 2002
(presented by Kuge)

May 1
丸山 茂徳 "地球史を支配した水 スーパープルームのダイナミクス" 日経サイエンス、2002年4月号、p46〜p55
(presented by Igarashi)

April 24
Rost and Revenaugh "Seismic Detection of Rigid Zones at the Top of the Core" Science, 294, 1911, 2001
(presented by Kuge)