March 9 (Start at 14:00)
Song, Helmberger, and Grand
"Low-velocity zone atop the 410-km seismic discontinuity
in the northwestern United States" Nature, 427, 530-533, 2004
(presented by Kuge)
*** This is the last in the 2003 school year. We will meet again in the middle of April. ***
* This is Seminar on Solid Geophysics III (4 units per year).
February 24
Gene A. Ichinose, John G. Anderson, Ken D. Smith, and Yuehua Zeng
"Source Parameters of Eastern California and Western Nevada Earthquakes from
Regional Moment Tensor Inversion"
Bull.Seism.Soc.Am., Vol.93, No.1, p.61-84, 2003
(presented by Igarashi)
February 10
Ekstrom et al.
"Glacial earthquakes"
Science, 302, 622-624, 2003
(presented by Kuge)
January 13
Taro Okamoto
"Full waveform moment tensor inversion by reciprocal finite difference Green's
EPS, 54, p.715-720, 2002
(presented by Igarashi)
January 6
Stuart Crampin, Sheila Peacock, Yuan Gao and Sebastian Chastin
"The scatter of time-delays in shear-wave splitting above small earthquakes"
Geophys Journal Int'l , 156, 39-44, Jan 2004.
(presented by Janette)
December 2
Ducic, Artru, and Lognonne
"Ionospheric remote sensing of the Denali Earthquake Rayleigh surface waves"
GRL, 30, 18, 1951, 2003.
(presented by Kuge)
October 21
R.W.Ferdinand and R.Arvidsson
"The determination of source mechanisms of small earthquakes
and revised models of local crustal structure by moment tensor inversion"
Geophys.J.Int. 151, p.221-234, 2002
(presented by Igarashi)
October 14
Rigobert Tibi, Douglas A. Weins and Hiroshi Inoue
"Remote trigerring of deep earthquakes in the 2002 Tonga sequences"
Nature, Vol 424, Aug 2003, 921-925
(presented by Janette)
July 29
Kuge's report
"Shallow mantle temperature inferred from velocity profile"
July 22
Igarashi's report of research progress
July 15
Janette's report of research progress
July 8
Dunham, E.M., P. Favreau, and J.M. Carlson
"A Supershear Transition Mechanism for Cracks"
Science, 299, 1557-1559, 2003
(presented by Kuge)
July 1
Junji Koyama and Yosio Nakamura
"Focal mechanism of deep moonquakes"
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 11th, p.1855-1865, 1980
(presented by Igarashi)
June 24
Masayuki Kikuchi, Misao Nakamura and Kazumitsu Yoshikawa
"Source rupture process of the 1944 Tonankai earthquake and the 1945
Mikawa earthquake derived from low-gain seismograms"
Earth Planets Space, 55, 159-172, 2003
(presented by Janette)
June 17
D. Eberhart-Phillips et al.
"The 2002 Denali fault earthquake, Alaska:
A large magnitude, slip-partitioned event"
Science, 300, 1113-1118, 2003
(presented by Kuge)
June 10
"Complex polarization analysis of particle motion"
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America,76;5, p.1393-1405, 1986
(presented by Igarashi)
June 3
Jeanne L. Hardebeck and Peter M. Shearer
"A New Method for Determining First-Motion Focal Mechanisms"
BSSA, 92, 2264-2276, 2002
(presented by Janette)
May 27
No club meeting because of 2003 Joint Meeting of Earth and Planetary Science
May 20
Y. Gung, M. Panning and B. Romanowicz
"Global anisotropy and the thickness of continents"
Nature, 422, 707-711, 2003
(presented by Kuge)
May 13
Yosio Nakamura
" A1 moonquakes: Source distribution and mechanism"
Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 9th, p.3589-3607, 1978
(presented by Igarashi)
May 6
Tsuboi, Kikuchi, Yamanaka and Kanao
"The March 25, 1998 Antartic Earthquake:
Great earthquake caused by postglacial rebound"
Earth Planets Space, 52, 133-136, 2000
(presented by Janette)