2005 Petit Print & Namazu Club
Time: Every Friday morning
Place: Rigaku-bu 2-gokan Room 509

February - March
"Now on the spring intermittence"

We have finished club meetings in the 2005 academic year. We will start on some Friday in April.

* This is Seminar on Solid Geophysics IV (4 units per year).

Feb 17
"Experimental studies on radiation of light associated with rock fracture" (Bachelor thesis)
(presented by Yuta Mitsui)

Feb 10
"Analysis of the Recent Deep Earthquakes in Southern Philippines" (Status report)
(presented by Janette)

Feb 3
Heiner Igel, Tarje Nissen-Meyer, Gunnar Jahnke "Wave propagation in 3D spherical sections: effects of subduction zones" Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 132, 219-234, 2002
(presented by Okaue)

Jan 20
"Source charecterization of the 2005 Tarapaca, Chile, earthquake (Ms7.8) from regional accelerograms"
(presented by Kuge)

Jan 13
"What controls characteristics of slow slip events?"
(presented by Noa Mitsui@Nagoya Univ.)

Dec 16
"Double difference tomography: Application to the Iriomote Island region"
(presented by Irabu)
1) Double-Difference tomography:the method and its Application to the Hayward Fault, California. by H. Zhang and C.H.Thurber BBSA,Vol.93,No.5,pp.1875-1889,Oct 2003
2) A Double-Difference Earthquake location Algorithm: method and Application to the Northern Hayward Fault, CA. BBSA,Vol.90,No.6,pp.1353-1368,Dec 2000
3) High-resolution Subducting-slab structure beneath northern Honshu,JP, revealed by double-difference tomography Geology,Vol.32,No.4,pp.361-364,April 2004

Nov 25
Segall and Rice "Dilatancy, compaction and slip instability of a fluid infiltrated fault", JGR, 100, 22,155-22,171, 1995.
(presented by Yuta Mitsui)

Nov 18
"Receiver function imaging of the seismic discontinuities in the crust and the upper mantle beneath the Japan Islands"
(presented by Hirahara)

Nov 4
Rigobert Tibi and Douglas Wiens "Detailed structure and sharpness of upper mantle discontinuities in the Tonga subduction zone from regional broadband arrays" JGR, VOl 110, B06313,Doi:10.1029/2004JB003433,2005
(presented by Janette)

Oct 28
B.M. Gomer, E.A. Okal "Multiple-ScS probing of the Ontong-Java Plateau" Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 138, 317-331, 2003
(presented by Okaue)

Oct 7
Hernlund, J. W., Thomas, C., and Tackley, P. J. "A doubling of the post-perovskite phase boundary and structure of the Earth's lowermost mantle" Nature, 434, doi:10.1038/nature03472, 2005.
Nakagawa, T. and Tackley, P. J. "The interaction between the post-perovskite phase change and a thermo-chemical boundary layer near the core-mantle boundary" EPSL, 238, 204-216, 2005.
(presented by Kuge)

July 1
Nikolai M. Shapiro, Michel Campillo, Laurent Stehly, Michael H. Ritzwoller "High-Resolution Surface-Wave tomography from Ambient Seismic Noise" Science, 11th Mar, Vol 307, 1615-1618, 2005
(presented by Irabu)

June 24
Emilie E.E. Hooft, Douglas R. Toomey, Sean C. Solomon "Anomalously thin transition zone beneath the Galapagos hotspot" Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 216, 55-64, 2003
(presented by Okaue)

June 17
Aimin Cao, B. Romanowicz and N. Takeuchi "An Observation of PKJKP: Inferences on the Inner Core Shear Properties" Science, Vol 308, 1453-1455, 3June 2005
(presented by Janette)

June 10
"Simulation of earthquake cycles in the Earth Simulator"
(presented by Hirahara)

June 3
Gerstenberger, M. C., S. Wiemer, L. M. Jones, and P. A. Reasenberg "Real-time forecasts of tomorrow's earthquakes in California" Nature, 435, doi:10.1038/nature03622, 2005.
(presented by Kuge)

May 13
"3-D seismic velocity structure on the earthquake swarms area around Iriomote I slands" (Master thesis)
(presented by Irabu)

May 6
Steven E. Persh and Heidi Houston "Strongly Depth-Dependent Aftershock Production in Deep Earthquakes" BSSA, Vol. 94, No. 5, pp 1808-1816, October 2004
(presented by Janette)

April 22
J.F. Hazzard, R.P. Young "Dynamic modelling of induced seismicity" International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Science, 41, 1365-1376, 2004
(presented by Okaue)

April 15
Stein, S. and E. A. Okal "Speed and size of the Sumatra earthquake" Nature, 434, 581-582, 2005
Ni, S., H. Kanamori, and D. Helmberger "Energy radiation from the Sumatra earthquake" Nature, 434, 582, 2005
McCloskey, J., S. S. Nalbant, and S. Steacy "Earthquake risk from co-seismic stress" Nature, 434, 291, 2005
(presented by Kuge)

Club meeting in 2004
Club meeting in 2003
Club meeting in 2002