2007 Seismology Seminar: Print & Namazu Club
Time: Every Tuesday afternoon
Place: Rigaku-bu 2-gokan Room 509

*** Special Seminar ***
March 26 (Start at 10:00)
Lecture Room #3, Sci. Buildg. #2
Jean-Paul Montagner
(Seismological Laboratory, Institut de Physique du Globe, Paris, France)
"Seismic Anisotropy and Global Geodynamics"
Abstract (pdf)

=== Schedule of Speakers in Winter, 2007 (updated on Oct 16) ===
Laarni-san's talk on Jan 29 is the last in the winter, 2007.

February 8 13:30-14:30 Bachelor defence (Underground Meeting Room of Sci. Build. #4)
February 12-13 9:00-17:10 Master defence

Link to Club meeting in 2008

* This is Seminar on Solid Geophysics IV (4 units per year).

January 29
"Philippine Fault Zone and My study"
(presented by Laarni)

January 22
"Probability distribution of the motion of GPS station"
(presented by Kawata)

January 15
"multistage 3-D FMM & my study"
(presented by Kawaguchi)

January 8
"Interaction of asperities and its effect on the earthquake cycles in the Miyagi-Oki region, northeast Japan."
(presented by Sainoki)

December 17-19: Special Lecture and Seminar
Prof. Furumura (ERI, Univ. Tokyo)
Schedule and abstract

December 4
"Spontaneous rupture processes with thermal pressurization: Spatial variation of rupture and effect of shear zone thickness and fault shape"
(presented by Urata)

November 27
"Synthetic Aperture Radar & my study"
(presented by Arimoto)

November 20
"What can be shown by the quasi-dynamic slip model calculations considering thermal pressurization along the fault plane?" (master mid defence)
(presented by Mitsui)

November 13
"Imaging of crust and uppermost mantle structure beneath the Kii Peninsula by use of receiver-function analysis" (status report)
(presented by Ogawa)

October 16
"Transition to pulse-like and crack-like solutions with and without evolving changes in temperature and pore pressure"
(presented by Noda)

October 9
Moore, D.E. and Rymer, M.J. (2007) "Talc-bearing serpentinite and the creeping section of the San Andreas fault." Letters, Nature 448, 795-797 (16 August 2007); doi:10.1038/nature06064
(presented by Janette)

October 2
"Report of the 2007 Off-Chuetsu earthquake from the coordinating committee for earthquake prediction on August 20, 2007"
(presented by Hirahara)
* Irabu's talk was withdrawn.

September 5: Special Seminar
N. Purnachandra Rao (ERI, Univ. Tokyo; NGRI, India)
"New Tectonic Insights into the Burma-Andaman-Sumatra Subduction Zone"
Abstract (pdf)

August 31: Special Seminar
Prof. Obata (Dept. Geology and Mineralogy)
"A mechanism of deep earthquakes from observations of pseudotachylyte"

July 17
"Statistical analysis of GPS data"
(presented by Kawata)

July 10
Rice, J. R. "Spatio-temporal Complexity of Slip on a Fault" JGR, 98, 9885-9908, 1993
(presented by Laarni)

July 3
"Interaction of asperities and its effect on the earthquake cycles in the Sanriku-Oki region" (status report)
(presented by Sainoki)

June 26
"Spontaneous dynamic rupture processes with thermal pressurization: Effect of heterogeneous fluid distribution and fault geometry" (status report)
(presented by Urata)

June 19
Junichi Nakajima and Akira Hasegawa "Deep crustal structure along the Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone, Japan: Its origin and segmentation" EPS, 59, e5-e8, 2007
(presented by Kawaguchi)

June 12
Hitoshi Hirose and Kazusige Obara "Repeating short and long - term slow slip events with deep tremor activity around the Bungo channel region, southwest Japan" EPS, 57, 961-972, 2005
(presented by Arimoto)

June 5
"Effects of pore pressure conditions on long-term slow slip events"
(presented by Mitsui)

May 29
"Crust and uppermost mantle structure beneath the Kinki region by combined use of auto-correlation and receiver-function analyses" (status report)
(presented by Ogawa)

May 15
"The 05 February 2005 Deep Earthquake beneath Mindanao, Philippines: Source Process and S-wave Waveform Anomaly Detected in Central Japan" (Tentative Title)
(presented by Janette)

May 8
"Inter-event seismic wave velocity structure reconstruction in the upper crust based on ensemble waveform cross-correlation method" (status report with temporary title)
(presented by Irabu)

Apr 24 (and an additional meeting on May 1)
"Self-healing vs. Crack-like rupture propagation in presence of thermal weakening processes"
(presented by Noda)

Apr 17
"The 2005 Tarapaca earthquake and mechanisms of intermediate-depth earthquakes"
(presented by Kuge)

Apr 10
1) Brief introduction of Hirahara's researches in 2007.
2) Report of the coordinating committee for earthquake prediction which is held on April 9, 2007.
(presented by Hirahara)

Club meeting in 2006
Club meeting in 2005
Club meeting in 2004
Club meeting in 2003
Club meeting in 2002