2009 Seismology Seminar II: Print & Namazu Club
Time: Every Tuesday afternoon
Place: Rigaku-bu 1-gokan Seminar Room II (Room #462)

February 2 13:30-15:30
"Thermal pressurizationが断層間での破壊の乗り移りに与える影響 -応力が深さに依存する場合-"
"Effect of thermal pressurization on rupture propagation beyond a fault discontinuity: Cases under stress varying with depth"
(to be presented by Urata)

=== Schedule of Speakers in Winter, 2009 (last modified on Oct. 1) ===
The meeting on 2 February is the last in this semester.

Bachelor defence at Room 563 in Sci. Build. #1 from 13:00 on Friday, March 5
Master defence at Room 202 in Sci. Build. #6 from 9:00 on February 8 and 9

Club meeting in 2010

* This is Seismology Seminar II (credit 4 units per year).

January 12
"Image of the Philippine-Sea plate beneath Kyusyu derived by receiver functions"
(presented by Abe)

December 22
"Solving thermal problems with FEM and its application to cases in a subduction zone"
(presented by Shikakura)

December 8
"Earthquake cycle simulation using FMM"
(presented by Ohtani)

December 1
"Technique for including a fault boundary in the elastic analysis due to MPS"
(presented by Sakamoto)

November 24
"アジョイント法を用いた摩擦パラメタの推定: 2003年十勝沖地震の余効すべりデータを用いて"
"Frictional parameters derived from the adjoint method: Application to the after-slip of the 2003 Tokachi earthquake"
(presented by Kano)

November 17
"Research review about changes of noise correlation functions prior to the occurrences of large earthquakes"
Peng, Wu, and Jiang, Pre-seismic changes of noise correlation function (NCF) before the Wenchuan earthquake?, Concurrency and Computation: Pract. Exper., 2009
Xu and Song, Temporal changes of surface wave velocity associated with major Sumatra earthquakes from ambient noise correlation, PNAS, 106, 14207-14212, 2009.
(presented by Masaki)

November 10
"Review of natural time analysis and challenge toward the analysis without using SES"
(presented by Hirasawa)

October 27
"「P波初動押し引きによる発震機構解と波形解析によるモーメントテンソル解の 比較」(堀、地震、2002)の紹介と考察"
"Review and discussion of Hori (Zisin, 2002)"
(presented by Yada)

October 13
"Bridging the gap between Statistics and Seismology"
(presented by Christine Smyth from DPRI)

July 21
"Finite Element Method (FEM)"
(presented by Shikakura)

July 14
Wegler and Sens-Schonfelfer (GJI 2007)
Ohmi et al. (EPS 2008)
"Previous studies of underground structure derived from seismic wave interferometry"
(presented by Masaki)

July 7
"Comparison between focal mechanisms from polarities of initial motions and CMT solutions from waveforms"
(presented by Yada)

June 30
"「Frictional melt and seismic slip」 (Nielsen et al. 2008)の紹介"
"Review on "Frictional melt and seismic slip" (Nielsen et al. JGR 2008)"
(presented by Hirasawa)

June 23
"アジョイント法を用いた摩擦パラメータの推定:2003年十勝沖地震の 余効すべりデータを用いて"
"Determination of frictional parameters in the adjoint method: Application to afterslip of the 2003 Tokachi earthquake"
(presented by Kano)

June 16
"Review on a paper of numerical simulation recurrence asperity rupture in the Sanriku regin" (Kato, N., JGR, 113, B06302, doi:10.1029/2007JB005515, 2008)
(presented by Ohtani)

June 9 13:30-15:30
"Brief summary on a paper of numerical simulations for closely packed granular materials under shear stress" (Hatano, T., Phys. Rev. E 75, 06301(R). 2007)
(presented by Sakamoto)

June 2
"thermal pressurizationが動的破壊過程に与える影響 ー応力が深さ依存する場合ー"
"Effect of thermal pressurization on dynamic rupture - Cases under depth-dependent stress -"
(presented by Urata)

May 26
"Depth variation of Moho beneath Kyushu derived from receiver functions"
(presented by Abe)

April 28
"Intermediate-depth earthquakes Part 2"
(presented by Kuge)

April 21
"Research projects 2009: What I would like to do in 2009"
(presented by Hirahara)

April 14
"Self-introduction of participants and decision of speaker schedule in 2009 Summer semester"

Club meeting in 2008
Club meeting in 2007
Club meeting in 2006
Club meeting in 2005
Club meeting in 2004
Club meeting in 2003
Club meeting in 2002