January 18 13:30-15:30
(to be presented by Matsui)
"内陸地震発生シミュレーション、rate- and state-friction lawの導入"
(to be presented by Nishiumi)
=== Schedule of Speakers in Winter, 2010 (the version on January 7) ===
The meeting on Jan 18 is the last in this winter.
02/07-08 Master defence
02/09 Bachelor defence
* This is Seismology Seminar II (credit 4 units per year).
December 7
(presented by Kano)
November 16
"Examination of seismic wave interferometry for structure variation related to
the 2003 Tokachi earthquake"
(presented by Masaki)
November 2
"The analysis to determine the underground structure in the slab
earthquakes in southwestern Japan"
(presented by Fukuda)
"Large-scale earthquake cycle simulation with H-matrices"
(a rehearsal for ASC)
(presented by Ohtani)
October 19
"Thermal pressurizationを考慮した動的破壊過程の数値計算
"Numerical simulation of dynamic rupture process with thermal pressurization
-Toward including phase change of pore water-"
(presented by Urata)
October 12
"Crustal structure in the western part of the Beppu-Shimabara rift valley
derived from receiver functions"
(presented by Abe)
October 5
"Cell-model simulation with viscoelastic layers
for inland earthquakes in Southwest Japan
during great interplate earthquake cycles along the Nankai trough"
(presented by Shikakura)
July 20
"Zhan et al.,Retrieval of Moho-reflected shear wave arrivals from
ambient seismic noise, Geophys. J. Inter., 182, 408-420, 2010"
(presented by Yada)
July 13
"Flash heatingとその後の研究"
"Flash heating and the following works"
(presented by Hirasawa)
July 6
"Iio,Y., T. Sagiya, and Y. Kobayashi,
What controls the occurrence of shallow intraplate earthquakes?,
Earth Planets Space, 56, 1077-1086, 2004”
(presented by Nishiumi)
"Ichinose et al., Rupture process of the 1944 Tonankai earthquake (Ms8.1)
from the inversion of teleseismic and regional seismograms,
J. Geophys. Res., 108, doi:10.1029/2003JB002393, 2003”
(presented by Matsui)
(presented by Yamashita)
June 29
"Estimation of frictional parameters and initial values of
simulation variables using an adjoint data assimilation
method with synthetic afterslip data"
(presented by Kano)
(presented by Nabeta)
June 22
- Hierarchical Matrices -"
"Fast computation of stress for earthquake cycle simulations"
(presented by Ohtani)
June 15
"Kakehi, Y., Analysis of the 2001 Geiyo, Japan, earthquake using
high-density strong ground motion data:
Detailed rupture process of a slab earthquake in a medium
with a large velocity contrast, J. Geophys. Res., 109, B08306,
doi:10.1029/2004JB002980, 2004”
(presented by Fukuda)
June 8
"Application of seismic wave interferometry to the 2003 Tokachi earthquake"
(presented by Masaki)
June 1
"Cell-model simulation of earthquake cycles in Southwest Japan
including horizontally layered structure of viscoelasticity"
(presented by Shikakura)
May 18
"Receiver-function images of the Philippine-Sea slab beneath Kyushu"
(presented by Abe)
May 11
"Thermal pressurization - 地震時のすべりによって断層帯の水は相変化するか?-"
"Thermal pressurization - Can coseismic slip cause the phase change
of water within a fault zone?"
(presented by Urata)
April 27
"The Java intermediate-depth earthquake: Large slip preceded by small rupture"
(presented by Kuge)
April 20
"Research projects 2010: What I would like to do in 2010"
(presented by Hirahara)
April 13
Club meeting in 2009
Club meeting in 2008
Club meeting in 2007
Club meeting in 2006
Club meeting in 2005
Club meeting in 2004
Club meeting in 2003
Club meeting in 2002